1) What is the purpose of this platform?

It is a way of showing what local art is available in villages and towns across the land. When people go on holiday or on a business trip, they normally take into account the quality of the hotel in terms of its location, comfort, price/quality, service and so on. We provide an element that people can add to their list: the value of a souvenir from local artists where they have stayed.

2) How can artists join the platform?

They upload the art themselves following the rules set up by Village Souvenir on their application form. When doing so, they are aware that their work might not be chosen to be exhibited. The Village Souvenir community (hoteliers, guests and artists) are going to be discerning people aware of local issues, and probably already pro-active in the field. If they are not, but see the advantages, they will soon be with us!

3) What if there are no hotels in the platform in the area where I want to go?

We ask visitors to hotels to find out at their destination if the hotel knows anything about Village Souvenir. When we learn of such a hotel, we contact them direct and see if they want to become a member. Membership is free for hotels. The hotel can go to our website and join direct, though they must check the requirements for joining.

4) Is this platform for international chains, family hotels, town and country, boutique hotels, guest houses?

It is for all tourist accommodation and it is not necessary to have a star rating in order to register.

5) Is Village Souvenir an art dealer?

By no means. In fact, one of the reasons Village Souvenirs exists is to provide a direct sales outlet from artists to tourists or to local hotels where they can exhibit their art. Our site provides a way for artists to show their art and for hotels to show they are interested in improving their social responsibility by increasing local commerce. There are many hotels which do not know the wealth of local art around them. Village Souvenir gives them an opportunity to get involved with their community by advertising local art.

6) Village Souvenir has a Kids’ section. What is that?

This is still under construction. In fact, we are interested in hearing from anyone who would like to contribute. We want to use this area of the site as a place for games related to art, and for projects which individual children or groups can do while they are on holiday. Art teachers can build projects around school visits with a hotel stay or their pupils’ family holidays and have the work posted on our site or highlighted in our newsletter or given space on our blog. In a general way, Village Souvenir wants to help transmit knowledge from artisans to young people and bring together generations.

7) Are young artists at a disadvantage compared with well-established businesses?

Not at all. In fact, imagine a regular visitor to your region will have every interest in being a patron to a small but budding business. And this will encourage others to start as well.

8) What is meant by the statement that Village Souvenir is a “dynamic platform”?

Village Souvenir wants to encourage all artists, old and young, to improve on the quality of their offers by being given the opportunity to add value to their work. They can do this either by providing information of the story of the pieces they have on offer or by teaching others. There is a section on the application form, where artists can upload videos teaching others how to do their pieces.

9) Why will the platform be attractive to hotels?

Hotels have a unique channel to advertise where they are at, what extra services they can provide and what they are doing to improve local business.

We value hotels anywhere with a management that says: “Ok. We are going to do something for the local community. We will be telling our guests about our local art. We will be helping them remember their stay by taking a local souvenir home.” Splendid!

10) How can I insert the Village Souvenir logo onto my website?

To insert the Village Souvenir LOGO and social media links on your website, copy the HTML code below in its entirety.