About Us

A quick word from the village souvenir director…

What is the dream for Village Souvenir?

“Our goal is quite simple really. That local art is connected to travellers firstly at the place where they stay. That one day, all hotels be conscious of artists and artisans in their area, welcome them and become ambassadors for promoting local art”.

And what can people expect from Village Souvenir?

“We want to make sure that the art of producing handmade goods which has been an integral part of mankind’s activities, does not die. This art, made from local natural materials, involves making items which are not only beautiful but also functional. We want to help artisans connect to the world and help visitors find exactly what they need”.

What people are you hoping to attract to Village Souvenir?

“To start with, we are very interested in making sure the know-how of old trades pass on to new generations. All villages in the world had, at some point or other, something that made them special. It always related to their human needs and creations. And the need to embellish tools has been around for thousands of years. Regardless of where they are in the world, we want Village Souvenir to be an expression of all artists and artisans work and help to perpetuate ancestral cultures.”


Silvia Paula Pelham, PhD - director & founder of Village Souvenir  

Agent of change, with a proactive and active business life, Silvia is an entrepreneur, author, architect and mentor. She also taught at the Decorative Arts College in Lisbon for 25 years and was its Director in 2010.